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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Seth Godin: Sliced bread and other marketing delights

In a world of too many options and too little time, our obvious choice is to just ignore the ordinary stuff. Marketing guru Seth Godin spells out why, when it comes to getting our attention, bad or bizarre ideas are more successful than boring ones.

Seth Godin may be the ultimate entrepreneur for the Information Age," Mary Kuntz wrote in Business Week nearly a decade ago. "Instead of widgets or car parts, he specializes in ideas -- usually, but not always, his own." In fact, he's as focused on spreading ideas as he is on the ideas themselves.

After working as a software brand manager in the mid-1980s, Godin started Yoyodyne, one of the first Internet-based direct-marketing firms, with the notion that companies needed to rethink how they reached customers. His efforts caught the attention of Yahoo!, which bought the company in 1998 and kept Godin on as a vice president of permission marketing. Godin has produced several critically acclaimed and attention-grabbing books, including Permission Marketing, All Marketers Are Liars, and Purple Cow (which was distributed in a milk carton). In 2005, Godin founded Squidoo.com, a Web site where users can share links and information about an idea or topic important to them.
"[Godin] is a demigod on the Web, a best-selling author, highly sought-after lecturer, successful entrepreneur, respected pundit and high-profile blogger. He is uniquely respected for his understanding of the Internet."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    This guy obviously does not know the difference between marketing and advertising let alone any "rules" of either.

    A common way to sell books is to state that the "traditional" method of anything is broken and then shazzham, offer the new, proven method...in the form of your own books, of course.

    He's got some good ideas, but just remember he is first and foremost out to sell you his books.

    Here's what he sells in one mangled sentence: "Don't waste your money on mass advertising (duh!) rather, create products that people like and will tell others about (double duh, duh.)

    Geez, who'da ever thought of that?!
