Monday, October 06, 2008

JS-Kit: Comments, reviews, ratings, scores, polls, Navigator and more...

JS-Kit: Comments, reviews, ratings, scores, polls, Navigator and more...: "Fast, powerful and incredibly simple, JS-Kit's services let web publishers build dynamic, compelling online experiences in just minutes.

* Foster a social network on your site
* Encourage valuable user-generated content
* Let you communicate directly with your visitors
* Provide fully-featured commenting engine for your site


* Build trust and foster online community
* Turn occasional visitors into active contributors
* Provide valuable data to guide your business decisions


* Improve conversion rates, pageviews and overall user experience
* Combine the power of comments and ratings in a single service
* Bring 'social search' to your online offerings


* Add variety and interactivity to your site
* Gather and share community opinions
* Can be used as a marketing, research or entertainment tool


* Highlights your site's most popular content
* Simplifies content management, saving you time and money
* Lowers bounce rates and drives pageviews


* Real data from trusted sources on specific web items and services
* Visibility into information needed at the point"

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