Thursday, December 18, 2008

Internet Marketing Consultant Rae Hoffman aka Sugarrae - SEO and Internet Marketing - Sugarrae

Internet Marketing Consultant Rae Hoffman aka Sugarrae - SEO and Internet Marketing - Sugarrae

Internet Marketing Consultant Rae Hoffman aka Sugarrae - SEO and Internet Marketing

I’m Rae Hoffman an Internet Maketing and SEO consultant. You may also know me by my online nickname Sugarrae. I assume you’re on this page because you want to know about me or my SEO consulting services.


I’m the Principal of Sugarrae SEO Consulting and do various types of Internet marketing; search engine optimization, viral marketing, affiliate marketing, site auditing, link development road maps and tons of other little nooks and crannies of this business. I run various affiliate and content websites – ranging from those in highly competitive to those in niche areas. I am also the owner of MFE Interactive. I fell into this industry by accident, but I couldn’t imagine ever doing anything else. As the business name might suggest, I’m also for hire, though not for sale.

I spend an insane amount of time online. Some of it reading at the forums I used to moderate (and posting) at forums and on various social media sites and most of the rest working, Facebooking, Twittering and talking on messenger (also known as the Internet water cooler). If I’m offline more than eight hours at a time, you can bet I’m speaking at a conference, sitting on a Q&A panel or hanging out with friends in various locations.

If you wound up here after listening to my radio interview on Good Karma about hiring an SEO consultant, practice what I preach and check out what the search engines have on me if you want (you can also check out my LinkedIn profile):

– Google:
Sugarrae | Rae Hoffman

– Yahoo:
Sugarrae | Rae Hoffman

– Live Search:
Sugarrae | Rae Hoffman

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